Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (KIS, for its initials in Slovenian – Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije) is the leading research institute in the field of agriculture in Slovenia. It comprehensively deals with the issues of modern agriculture and is expanding its activities into the fields of environmental protection and ecology. The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia is a public non-profit research institute that performs fundamental, applied and development research and specialist tasks in agriculture, publishes the results of scientific research work as well as professional and supervision work, performs tasks based on authorisations and accreditations and checks the quality of agricultural products and products used in agriculture. The Institute also engages in the training of producers, education of young persons and consultation for various users in agriculture.

Areas of expertise bringing to the project: world-class specialists within the fields of nematology, adaptive soil sampling using satellite data, climate modelling.


  • Leader of the development of a tool to verify RKN distributions along Europe in WP1
  • Co-leader of mapping the native antagonistic potential against RKN in WP5.
  • KIS is contributing to WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP7