
The persistence of these nematodes in the soil and their complex life cycle on plant roots make their control extremely challenging (see the Background section for more information). A lack of knowledge of the ecological and genetic aspects of plant-nematode interactions underlies the current absence of economically durable methods for RKN and PCN control in both conventional and organic farming systems. 

By filling these knowledge gaps using an interdisciplinary and multi-actor approach, NEMEMERGE will develop and apply science-based solutions in conjunction with stakeholders in these sectors.

The NEM-EMERGE approach is centred around five scientific concepts, which are essential for developing effective and sustainable tools for the prevention, detection and control of root-knot nematodes and potato cyst nematodes:

  1. Species distribution modelling: The expansion of the geographical range of RKNs due to global warming and mild winters has already clearly been demonstrated. NEM-EMERGE will use statistical and process-based models to project the infection potential of agricultural land across Europe for invasive tropical RKN species. Early warning systems will be developed to predict where nematode presence can be expected in the near-medium future.
  2. Lifting heat-sensitivity of resistance proteins: A comparative analysis of heat-stable and heat-sensitive resistance proteins will lead to identifying molecular determinants responsible for the proteins’ heat tolerance. This will allow the selection of natural resistance gene variants in tomato breeding material for use in regions with increasing soil temperatures.
  3. Diagnosis and treatment combination: The genetic characteristics of invasive and virulent RKN and PCN field populations will be pinpointed and used for developing diagnostic tools. For end-users confronted with virulent RKN or PCN populations in their fields, NEM-EMERGE will provide a number of solutions, including biocontrol with native microbiota, plant secondary metabolites, and/or new R gene-based resistance sources.
  4. Identification of markers for virulence:  comparisons at the genomic level of virulent and avirulent nematode populations will lead to the identification of markers for virulence. The proteins secreted by RKN and PCN that trigger host resistance response in plants will also be identified.
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5. Foster and enhance the nematode-suppressive potential of soils. NEM-EMERGE will exploit the natural suppressing potential of soils as a tool for pathogen management. Soils harbour extremely diverse microbial communities, which make the soil resilient to local disturbance by biotic and abiotic factors. Soil biota-friendly management practices, the growing of supporting cover crops as well as the inclusion of native nematode antagonists in the seed coating will be used as management tools.

The project will promote an early and iterative assessment of the social, economic and technical constraints, needs and requirements of key stakeholders through a bottom-up multi-stakeholder approach, which will guide the development of the NEM-EMERGE tools. This approach will facilitate the adoption and implementation of the tools in the sectors in Europe and beyond, therefore improving soil health, minimizing yield losses and agroecosystem degradation, increasing the profitability of value chain actors, improving the income and food security of smallholders and providing safe and healthy food to consumers within planetary boundaries.

In order to successfully implement this approach, NEM-EMERGE has organised its work plan according to the two drivers behind the spread and expansion of RKN and PCN: global warming and genetic selection.