
This section summarises the results obtained in NEM-EMERGE intended to have public dissemination. Publications in scientific journals have been produced so far, but the presentations at scientific conferences and the practice abstracts will also be displayed here in due course.


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Mohammed Dakhil and Dan Bebber

Initial interactive map of the suitability for the target 6 root-knot nematode (RKN) species (Meloidogyne incognitaM. javanicaM. arenariaM. enterolobiiM. ethiopica & M. luci).This interactive map on RKN species richness, was developed from the sum of the 6 individual binary maps of suitability based on the threshold of maximum training sensitivity plus specificity (MTSS) using the ensemble species distribution models (SDMs) based on soil bioclimatic predictor variables ( as well as soil-physico-chemical variables such as soil organic carbon content, pH, and cation exchange capacity (obtained from soilgrids datasets, These richness maps showing the potential or predicted suitable areas (grid cells of the agricultural landscapes (at 3 km * 3 km spatial resolution). This richness map indicates the potential RKN invasion risk or emergence risk, and doesn’t provide information at the level of specific RKN species. This map can be used as decision-support tool for field survey or sampling, management prioritization of the agricultural landscape and guide the range-shift strategy of the economic crops according to the cropland areas (grid cells) at high or low potential risk.

Initial Interactive Map
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Feb. 2025

Mohammed Dakhil and Dan Bebber

Initial interactive map of the suitability for target 3 tropical root-knot nematode
(RKN) species richness (Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, M. arenaria). This map of RKN richness was developed similarly to the above, and this showing the potential or predicted suitable areas (grid cells of the agricultural landscapes (3 km * 3 km spatial resolution). This richness map indicates the potential invasion risk or emergence risk and doesn’t provide information at the level of specific RKN species. This map can be used as decision-support tool for field survey or sampling, management prioritization of the agricultural landscape and guide the range-shift strategy of the economic crops according to the cropland areas (grid cells) at high or low potential risk.

Initial Interactive Map
View map

Feb. 2025



Type of publication


Robbert van Himbeeck, Eline Laura Binnebösz, Deisy Amora, Michele Gottardi, Jaap-Jan Willig, Stefan Geisen, Johannes Helder

Non-invasive, pre-symptomatic detection of potato cyst nematode infection in tomato using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis

Phytopathology. First look
DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-07-24-0206-R

Sept. 2024

Israël Tankam Chedjou, Josselin Montarry, Sylvain Fournet, Frédéric M. Hamelin

Combining Masculinizing Resistance, Rotation, and Biocontrol to Achieve Durable Suppression of the Potato Pale Cyst Nematode: A Model

Evolutionary Applications. 17(9): e70012.
DOI: 10.1111/eva.70012

Sept. 2024