NEM-EMERGE attracts attention at the 5th Annual Workshop of the EURL for Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Dr. Barbara Geric Stare from the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia participated in the 5th Annual Workshop of the EURL for Plant Parasitic Nematodes, held from 19 to 20 November 2024 at the Plant Health Laboratory of ANSES, Nematology Unit in Le Rheu, near Rennes, France.
During the workshop, Barbara presented the NEM-EMERGE project and its activities relevant to the national reference laboratories (NRLs) for plant parasitic nematodes. Representatives from EURL and the NRLs showed great interest in the development of new molecular tools for the detection and identification of plant parasitic nematodes, which are being developed within the NEM-EMERGE project. They expressed interest in being informed about the results of the project on this topic.